
Since the 1990s, global agricultural production has experienced stagnation, characterized by a persistent mismatch between supply and demand. This sector is marked by several challenges:

– Significant capital investment requirements, including for land and equipment

– High production input costs

– Volatile production volumes and fluctuating prices

– Short product shelf life with high spoilage rates, approximately 25% of production

– Low investment returns and extended payback periods

– Elevated risks, including weather dependency and vulnerability to pathogens and pests that can rapidly devastate crops

– Excessive use of chemicals, pesticides, and antimicrobials, leading to increased microbial resistance and chemical residues in food

– Decreasing availability of arable land in densely populated regions and the withdrawal of farm subsidies due to free trade policies

Farmers worldwide face the ongoing challenge of preventing and eradicating various crop diseases in their pursuit of high yields and healthy crops. Each crop is susceptible to specific diseases that impact quality and yield potential, with annual crop yield losses estimated between 20-40% due to these diseases. In severe cases, crop diseases can obliterate entire productions. Common examples include Black or Stem Rust, caused by the fungus *Puccinia graminis tritici*, Apple Fire Blight, caused by *Erwinia amylovora*, and Granville Wilt.

Despite being a critical supplier of food, the agricultural and horticultural industry remains one of the riskiest and least profitable sectors. Utilizing Treox can enhance yields and provide an effective pathogen and biofilm control system, resulting in substantial production cost savings. Field trials have demonstrated yield improvements in crops such as barley, celery, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, strawberries, grapes, and flowers, including roses.

Treox contributes to improved product quality and extended shelf life while reducing production costs associated with water usage, fertilizers, and chemicals.

– Treating irrigation water to eliminate pathogens

– Recycling process water by disinfecting wastewater with HOCL

– Disinfecting seeds, bulbs, and potatoes prior to planting, as well as washing and disinfecting fruits during harvesting

– Disinfecting storage areas and fogging harvested products to extend shelf life

– Reducing blockages in irrigation systems and nozzles caused by biofilm by adding HOCL to irrigation water

– Providing clean air in greenhouses and reducing the need for decontamination of products

– Treating mildew on leaves and grapes by fogging with HOCL

– Increased yield

– Extended shelf life

– Reduced production costs

– Residue-free products